Rules of Tombola :


Rules of Tombola

Introduction to Tombola

The Tombola is a game of chance for several people which is played with 90 numbered balls and at least one card per person (European version). The cards have 15 raffle numbers, divided into 3 lines of 5 numbers each.

The purpose of the game is to mark the numbers on the card as they show the balls and becoming the first to complete whole card (called Tombola).

Purchase cards

To start playing, it is necessary to have cards. Up to 24 cards can be purchased. The cards are organized in serials of 6 cards (in columns). All the numbers, from 1 to 90 and with no repetition, are in a serial.

Quick purchase

To purchase bingo cards more easily you only have to click on the pack of bingo cards you want.

The countdown on the superior part indicates the time left for the following game. If you have at least 1 card purchased, you will start playing.

Choose cards

To purchase cards, it is necessary to select them and press the button purchase (the cards purchased appear in orange)

The price in chips per card and the amount of cards purchased will be indicated on screen.

Note: The game chips are not real money and they cannot be exchanged by money.

Press the button change cards to change the cards on sale for different ones. The cards you purchased will not change, that way you can select cards of different serials.

Automatic purchase

To allow automatic purchase the number of cards you choose during the games you want.

You can have automatic purchase active in all game rooms. What’s more, you can always modify or cancel your purchase from the room in which you activated it.

The chips from the purchased cards are taken away at the beginning of the purchasing time of each game.

Give cards

During the purchasing time you can give cards to the rest of the players in the room.

Click on the players you want or choose the option to mark all and push the button give a gift to make it effective.

You can also indicate the number of cards to give.

How to play Tombola

Once the game starts, the numbered balls will appear successively. If any of the numbers shown match up with any of the numbers of the cards, we can mark it. To do that, click on the number with the left button of the mouse.

A very useful option when we purchase a lot of cards is to choose the mode automatic marking and arrangement (see options below).

The cards are coloured depending on the number needed to get a prize. The green indicates that 3 are needed, the yellow 2 and the red 1.

Tombola card

Get prizes

If we are the first to mark two numbers in the same row will get the prize at the time corresponding to duplo . If there are three numbers marked we will win the prize triple, quarte if we have four numbers and fifth if we have five numbers.

The same applies to the prize Tombola (all numbers checked) and the Tombolino for the second who checks all numbers in a card.

We can not call two consecutive prizes in the same line of a card. If for example we win duplo, in the same line we can not call triple but fourth .

When someone in the room wins Tombolino, the game ends and we can begin buying cards for the next round.

The Jackpot is achieved if we call tombola in the number of balls stated. The number of balls to get the jackpot increases one by one in each game. It is easier to get the jackpot on the 70th ball than in the 40th.

The distribution of prizes is carried out the following way: tombola 49%, quinta 18%, cuarta 10%, terna 5% and duplo 3%. The jackpot is accumulated in 5% in each game. The bank receives 10% from each card sold. On the other hand, the winner of tombolino will get a free card according to the value of the room in which he/she plays.

If 2 or more cards are winners, the prize is shared among them (it is possible that one player has 2 or more winning cards).

It is possible to call the prizes “not in order” (first quaterna and after terna) and it is possible to call different prizes at the same time (for example, terna and quaterna can be called with the same ball).

Play without being in the room or in several rooms at a time

It is possible to play not being in the room. To do that, purchase cards and leave the room. The game will be carried out automatically without you. If you return to the room, you will continue playing with the cards you purchased.

If there are not enough players to start the game, the amount of the cards is automatically given back.

You can play in several rooms at the same time using the same method.

Extra ball

If you have not called tombola for just one number, you have the possibility to get a special prize through the extra ball.

When this option is displayed, you can purchase up to 3 extra balls to complete the card for the price shown on the screen.

The prize depends on the price of the card and the balls left in the globe.

If you want, you can disable this option on the “settings” tab.


The collectables are gifts your get when level up. Complete a collection to get chips. In this process, a copy of each collectable of the collection you are exchanging will be used.

Our list of collectables can be seen from the icon album.

Album button

Besides getting them when you level up, you can purchase them to complete the collection as fast as possible.

You can give any of your collectables to a player in the room and thus help them to complete their collection.

You can only accumulate at maximum 50 equal collectables.


You can get gems during the game to exchange them for free cards. The higher the price of a card, the more gems you will get.



To make a purchase, use the left mouse button to select cards.

When choosing cards you can select several at a time by clicking and dragging the cursor to make a square around them.

The magnifying glass button below allows you to vary the size of the cards.


To take part in the leaderboard of this game, it is necessary to be registered and have enough chips to purchase cards.

The experience points (XP) are got by picking the stars that are shown during the game when marking the special numbers of the cards.


The higher the price of the card, the more stars/ points you can get. If you get a prize, you will get extra points.

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